Symphonic Synesthesia: Spectres and Fireflies

Created during a fellowship at Wheaton Arts - New Jersey - 2015. and presented at the Traver Gallery, Seattle, WA in 2017


The work is comprised of hundreds of found glass viles, which are held under tension within a fabricated steel ring, and surrounded by 14 found windows. The objects are suspended in an abandoned amusement/historical park train station. A video is projected onto the vials - which is a short film of me walking through the woods in complete darkness, in an unsuccessful attempt to document fireflies.

The objects and video were combined, in attempt to signal the bio-luminescent creatures, and lure them to the station. Just as It became meaningful to attempt to project darkness/blackness with light. from a projector, It felt poetic that fireflies are drawn to the darkness of night, and yet attracted to the light of another.

Full Length Version: 5 min 22 seconds


Liquid, Rope, Coiling


What is Known is Unknown